Meet Our Family -- Our Adoption Journey

Thursday, January 23, 2014


 November 21st started bright and early with Hunter getting tubes in his ears.  He had 8 ear infections before getting them, and they have done wonders! He hasn't had one in the two months since getting them put in. He did a great job with surgery and recovered wonderfully. Mommy and Hunter stayed at home all day laying low per his discharge instructions.

 Later that SAME day I got a call from my sweet friend who had taken Brandt to the park. (So I could stay home and keep Hunter recovering.)  He had fallen and was hurting pretty badly. She brought him home and we headed to the doctor.  This tough boy broke his arm, and got a cool camo cast. It is a day we won't soon forget.  The cast didn't slow him down too much! After 4 weeks in his cast, he got the all clear, and his arm is as good as new!

 One of our favorite family traditions is going to a christmas tree farm and choosing and cutting down the best tree we find. 

 For Thanksgiving we went to North Alabama to visit Andrew's family. We went on a fun hike while there. Hunter really liked riding in the backpack and Brandt loved finding cool sticks.